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- S3 86c911 - 1Mbyte, 1280x1024x16c, 1024x768x256c, 640x480x32kc
- Hardwired Bit-Blt and fill functions.
- S3 86c924 - Support for 24-bit modes.
- S3 86c928 - 24bit color, 4MB D/VRAM
- S3 86c801 - similar to '928 ??
- S3 86c805 - same as '801 but for Local Bus
- The S3 chip only works in AT and better units as it uses full
- 16 bit I/O addresses.
- The S3 uses the following I/O addresses:
- 42E8h, 4AE8h, 82E8h, 86E8h, 8AE8h, 8EE8h, 92E8h, 96E8h, 9AE8h, 9EE8h
- Please note that this may conflict with Com4 ports at 2E8h-2EFh !!!
- 3d4h index 30h (R/W): ID register
- bit 0-7 Returns 81h or 82h when read.
- 3d4h index 31h (R/W): Display Start
- bit 0,3 Set before writing bank register???
- 4-5 Bit 16-17 of the Display Start Address.
- 3d4h index 35h (R/W): Bank number
- bit 0-3 64k bank number.
- 3d4h index 38h (R/W): Extensions Enable
- bit 0-7 Writing 48h to this register enables the extended registers,
- writing 0 disables them.
- 3d4h index 39h (R/W): Extensions Enable 2
- bit 0-7 Write A5h to this register to unlock extensions.
- 3d4h index 41h (R/W): Memory
- bit 4 Set if we have 1MByte, clear if we have 512KBytes.
- 3d4h index 30h-3Ch and 40h-4Fh are used.
- 82E8h (16) (R/W): CUR_Y
- 86E8h (16) (R/W): CUR_X
- 8AE8h (16) (R/W): DIAGY_STEP
- 8EE8h (16) (R/W): DIAGX_STEP
- 92E8h (16) (R/W): ERR_TERM
- 96E8h (16) (R/W): MAJ_AXIS/CURWIDTH
- 9AE8h (16) (W): CMD_REG
- 9AE8h (16) (R): GP_STAT
- bit 8 Set when data is ready from the co-processor.
- A2E8h (16) (R/W): BKGD_COLOR
- A6E8h (16) (R/W): FRGD_COLOR
- AAE8h (16) (R/W): WRT_MASK
- B2E8h (16) (R/W): COLOR_CMP
- B6E8h (16) (R/W): BKGD_MIX
- BAE8h (16) (R/W): FRGD_MIX
- E2E8h (16) (R/W): PIX_TRANS
- ID S3 chip:
- wrinx(base,$38,0); {disable extensions}
- if not testinx2(base,$35,$f) then
- begin
- wrinx(base,$38,$48);
- if testinx2(base,$35,$f) then
- begin
- __S3__
- case rdinx(base,$30) of
- $81:86c911 {Is this really a version no??}
- $82:86c911A ??
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Video Modes (Diamond Stealth):
- 54h T 132 43 16
- 55h T 132 25 16
- 101h G 640 480 256 packed
- 6Ah 102h G 800 600 16 planar
- 103h G 800 600 256 packed
- 104h G 1024 768 16 planar
- 205h G 1024 768 256 packed
- 206h G 1280 960 16 planar
- 208h G 1280 1024 16 planar
- 301h G 640 480 32k word packed